Winter Hours Mon-Fri 10-8, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 12-4

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Rentals and Leases

Ski leasing starts on October 1 and runs through April 1st

Ski Season Leases

Kids Downhill Sets From: $209.99

Jr. Downhill Sets From: $229.99

Jr. Twintip Sets From: $249.99

Jr. Cross Country From: $159.99

Downhill Starting at $339.99
Cross Country Starting at $219.99
XC Race Starting at $289.99


Daily Ski Rental

Cross Country Ski Set: $20.00
Snowshoes: $10.00
Downhill Ski Set: $30.00
Downhill HP Ski Set $50.00

Weekend rate: 4:30 Fri. – Noon Mon.
Cross Country Set $40.00
Downhill Set $60.00

Week rate: 7 days
Snowshoes $50.00

Cross Country Ski Set $100.00

Downhill Ski Set $150.00


Sorry, We do not have Jr. Daily rentals available

Please bring a valid MN Drivers License (must be over 18)


Kayak Rentals

Fitzharris’ Kayak fleet includes boats in the 10’-16’ range and each kayak comes with (paddle, life vest, bilge pump and whistle)


  • $25 per day
  • $50 per weekend (4pm Friday-Monday at noon)
  • $125 per week

Can use up to 5 days rental towards a kayak purchase


Paddleboard Rentals

Fitzharris carries both soft and hard top SUP’s that are available for rent. Each board comes with (Paddle, vest and leash)


Soft Top:

  • $25 per day
  • $50 per weekend(4pm Friday-Monday noon)
  • $125 per week

Hard Top:

  • $35 per day
  • $70 per weekend(4pm Friday-Monday noon)
  • $175 per week 


Bike Rentals 

Hybrid Bikes (City and Bike Path)

  • $25 per day
  • $50 per weekend(4pm Friday-Monday noon)
  • $125 per week


Racket Demos

  • $10 per day per racket
  • $20 per weekend per racket
  • $50 per week per racket